Main News
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06 July, 2010
Dutch Court Orders Van der Moolen Investigation
A Dutch commercial court on Monday ordered an investigation into the collapse of the brokerage Van der Moolen, which went bankrupt last September after 117 years as a key player on global stock exchanges, Reuters reported.
17 June, 2010
Dutch court delays girl's round-the-world sail bid
MIDDELBURG, Netherlands — Dutch judges on Thursday extended a ban delaying a 14-year-old schoolgirl's bid to become the youngest person to sail around the world
06 July, 2010
Dutch government announces preferred CO2 storage locations in the north of the Netherlands
At the proposal of the Lower House of the Dutch Parliament, the possibilities have been investigated for realising a large-scale CO2 carbon, capture and storage (CCS) project in the North of the Netherlands at an accelerated rate. Alongside energy conservation and energy generated from sustainable sources, CCS is a necessary part of an effective climate policy in the transition to an energy supply which is fully sustainable.
06 July, 2010
Online Poker is a Game of Skill, Says Dutch Court
A Dutch court ruled late last week that poker is a game of skill, not of chance. This is an age-old question that countries around the world have struggled to answer. The problem has to do with how a country’s gambling laws sort different kinds of games. Typically, games of skill have a different legal status than games of chance, so depending on how poker is classified, it might be legal or it might be illegal.
06 July, 2010
Dutch agency affirms IPCC findings
A Dutch inquiry into the seminal 2007 report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found "no errors that would undermine the main conclusions" about predictions of the negative effects of climate change.
10 June, 2010
Far-Right Surge In Dutch Election Overshadows Reforms
AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--A surge of support for a far-right party with an anti-immigration focus has left the Netherlands facing the prospect of a hamstrung four-party coalition government.
05 July, 2010
Azerbaijan, Netherlands mull possibility of enhancing cooperation between business communities
The Netherlands hosted a presentation of dynamic development and future prospects of the Azerbaijani economy organized by the Azerbaijani Economic Development Ministry, Dutch Foreign Ministry, the Azerbaijani embassy in the Netherlands, Dutch Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan Investment Company and the Council of the Netherlands to support trade.
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